Since we have broken the news about our impending arrival we have gotten so many questions about the baby and our future in Hong Kong. Like our previous FAQ, this will hopefully answer everyone's questions at one time!
How are you feeling?: Now that the first trimester is over I am feeling back to normal. I was quite nauseous and tired throughout the first 12-14 weeks. The problem with our neighborhood and most of Hong Kong is a lot of the smells on the streets are not familiar to me and were unpleasant before I was pregnant- so dry heaving on the sidewalk became quite the normal for me :-) My appetite is pretty much back though I do find I get full much quicker.
Any cravings?: So far I've pretty much craved Subway spicy italian subs and grilled cheese sandwiches with Ruffles potato chips since I got over the nausea. Those two sandwiches are eaten multiple times per week :-)
Will the baby be born in Hong Kong?: Yes- I am due August 2nd and we are expected to stay in Hong Kong till at least early October.
How are the doctors and prenatal health care?: We are going through the public health care system to have the baby as we both are covered by the government provided healthcare. So far I have had appointments with midwives and doctors, all of which have been extremely kind and helpful and the language barrier has not been an issue. The amazing part of the government healthcare is it will cost us no more than $50 for all of our prenatal care and hospital fees!
Will the baby be a Hong Kong citizen?: No- any children born of expat parents become the citizen of the country the parents are from. Citizenship is gained in Hong Kong after 7 years of residency. The baby will be issued a passport by the US consulate here in Hong Kong. The only difference will be the place of birth in his/her passport will say Hong Kong :-)
Will you move back to Milwaukee after the baby is born?: The golden question! As of now, we do not have an answer for this. We are still weighing the pros and cons of moving home in October vs staying here a little bit longer. We will keep you all updated on our decision!
Are you still working and will you get maternity leave?: I am still working part-time, 3 days a week for a private physical therapy clinic. Since I am part time I have no health benefits and therefore no paid/pre-determined amount of maternity leave. If we do choose to stay here longer I will decide with my bosses how much time I will want and take that unpaid. The thing I have loved about being part-time is the flexibility to take off/vacation whenever I want and this goes too with maternity leave.
Will you find out the gender of the baby?: Yes! I am currently 17 weeks so we are planning on having an ultrasound either this weekend or next to find if it's a boy or girl!
We hope this answers a lot of your questions but feel free to ask us anything more. We know it is hard for us to be away from our family and friends during the amazing time but hopefully we can ease the distance by keeping everyone up to date here!
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Baby Jipp at 12 weeks |